Our work is to bring excitement to you

Since 1994, we have been successfully growing in the fields of design, production and installation of lighting, sound and multimedia technologies.
We currently operate directly and solve projects on European markets and in the area of Central Asia.

Our team has more than 50 members. It includes athletes, easy-going people who like to communicate and experts in everything that lights up, plays and displays.

We are professionals in our fields and we are constantly improving. We like challenges and handle every task, project or order carefully.

Innovation and the desire to push the boundaries of the possible is what drives us forward.

We are a great TEAM, one FAMILY with a common GOAL.

Maximum customer satisfaction and their confidence that they can always rely on us

The HDT team offers solutions for multiple fields under one heading, which always combines the most modern technology and software integration

Smart city and public lighting

In this field, professionals for design, consultation, delivery of technologies as well as their installation or integration. We have experience from successful PPP projects with the maintenance and operation of the installed infrastructure.
In our production plant, we develop and manufacture our own products, where we emphasize modern technologies. Our lighting meets and exceeds all current environmental and parametric standards.
We develop our own control technologies and software applications that enable remote control, control from dispatch offices or integration into municipal systems.

Technology and equipment of commercial and sports buildings

Thanks to our unique software applications and proprietary hardware, we are the industry leader in our target markets. We provide professional advice, design and installation of technologies. We supply technology to existing and new buildings of shopping centers, cultural buildings and sports buildings: professional lighting, force and evacuation sound systems, digital displays, results service, overhead workplace, camera systems and access systems. We integrate all technologies into our own control applications.

view our references

Software development

It complements our above activities. The possibility of own program solutions and adaptation to the needs of the project is our great asset. We can offer custom development as well as integration with customer systems.


Our company is the largest distributor of lighting, sound, display technology and technology in the Czech and Slovak Republics. We supply this technology in B2B and B2C mode.

HDT impex, s.r.o.
Botanická 3
362 63 Karlovy Vary - Dalovice
República Checa

Lu-Vi: 8:00-17:00
+420 353 222 267

HDT SK, s.r.o.
Borekova 37
821 06 Bratislava

Lu-Vi: 8:00-17:00
+421 245 640 387

Distribuidor mayorista de audio, iluminación, equipos de escena, instrumentos musicales y flores artificiales
El mayor proveedor de pantallas LED grandes en la República Checa e Eslovaquia, incluyendo la instalación, mantenimiento y gestión de contenidos.
Desarrollo de software propio para la visualización y gestión de contenidos multimedia y marcadores deportivos.
Proveedor de iluminación inteligente para interiores y público.

Copyright © 2024 HDT impex s.r.o

Účast a podpora:
Strategický projekt „Digitální podnik“
Příprava strategického projektu je podpořena prostřednictvím dotačního programu
„Smart Akcelerátor 2.0 – Asistenční vouchery Karlovarského kraje“,
projekt Smart Akcelerátor 2.0, registrační číslo projektu: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_055/0013938

Karlovarským krajem v roce 2020 poskytnuta dotace na realizaci projektu „Sterilizace vzduchu do škol AIR CLEANER“ ve výši 100 000 Kč.